Why upgrade your HP printer?
Older printers may be costing you more than you think. Today’s HP Enterprise printers – along with Original HP tone and Ink – offermore value than ever.
Upgrading can lower your total cost of ownership, while giving you peace of mind. Now, the Worlds Most Secrue Printers can also help you improve your enviromental impact.
Reduce your overall cost of
The latest HP LaserJet Enterprise Printers offer reliable printing performace and uses less energy
than earlier models.
The compact, affordable design delivers HP quality for consistent, uninterrupted printing that
keeps you on task. Check out our Rebate programs Here!
Is your outdated printer a security threat? Protecting your organizations data – especially in work-from-home setups – is a growing concern.
HP Enterprise printers are designed for security in all aspects: printer, applications, and supplies.
They also come with HP FutureSmart firmware, so you can protect against the latest security threats and access new devise capabilities as they’re released.
Improve your environmental impact with HP
With a full line-up of energy efficient printers from HP, you can conserve energy without sacrificing features or performance.
The HP Refresh and Recycle Program makes recycyling even easier. Purchase an eligible new HP printer and we’ll recycle your old printer for free. That’s HP Printing with the environment in mind.
Save Energy with auto on/off technology.
Learn about the HP Refresh and Recyle Program Here!
Upgrade to the newest HP LaserJet!
HP Color Laser Jet Enterprise 5000/6000
Powerfully productive! Extraordinarily efficient!
• Seamless management: Set up work teams for success with fleet-wide control
• World’s most secure printer: Automatically self-heal from attacks with industry-leading security
• Lessen your impact: Converse resources—energy, paper, and workspace.
Learn More Here!