WesleyLife Brio
Johnston, IA
dining rooms | club lounges | living rooms | conference rooms | private offices | outdoor porches & patios | lobby | sunroom | community rooms | beauty spa | art & accessories | window treatments
Design Partners
Pope Architects | CBS Construction
Square Footage
Assisted Living

Jennifer Peterson
Senior Workplace Solutions Consultant
Jenn feels blessed to do something she loves. When asked several years ago what she wanted to do her response was: make an impact and have fun while doing it. Each day she gets to partner with her clients on spaces that inspire, attract others to want to be there, and perform well over time. She dreams BIG and then carries that down to the details that take an environment from good to great. She learns something every day that she continues to apply to future projects providing solutions rooted in best practices. Her favorite thing on a project is to savor the completed space, high-five her team, and see the smiles on her client’s faces; it is the satisfaction of a job well done.
SK Team Members
Tiffany Tibbetts, Interior Designer